This article looks at the wills of British soldiers who were commissioned into the Indian Army or Indian Army Reserve of Officers (I.A.R.O.) during the First World War. You’ll usually be able to find out a lot of information about British officers who served with the Indian Army. This is just one of a series of articles I’ve written on researching those who served with the Indian Army during the war:
Indian Army and Indian Army Reserve of Officers Wills
The British Library holds a collection of wills to soldiers who were commissioned into the Indian Army during the First World War. They cover both temporary commissions and those appointed to the Indian Army Reserve of Officers. The three volumes are held in one slipcase and its catalogue reference is IOR/L/MIL/14/213. These volumes contain the wills of those who were commissioned from the ranks of the British Army not officers who transferred from the British Army to the Indian Army. There is an alphabetical index in the volume allowing for ease of use and I have transcribed the index below. There are a variety of different forms used by the soldiers, but the most frequent is Army Form W 3601. This is a small double-sided document that contains the following information:
Obverse: Soldier’s Regimental Number, Surname, Christian Names and Corps.
Reverse: Will, Signature, Rank and Regiment, and Date.
Due to the size of Army Form W 3061, soldier’s wills are often only a sentence or two in length. The majority of men left their possessions to their mother, father or another family member. The four examples below are typical of the wills written on Army Form W 3601:
In the event of my death I give the whole of my property and effects to my father William Henry Dawson the Post Office, Fishergate, Yorkshire. Cyril Dawson, Trooper No.2576/236001/330371 [Dawson had three of his regimental numbers on the form], September 9th 1916, Yorkshire Hussars.
In the event of my death I Percival Henry Denyer hereby bequest the whole of my property to my mother Rosa Jane Denyer to be dealt with as she thinks fit. Signed P. H. Denyer No.2788 Cambridgeshire Regiment. Signed on the nineteenth day of February in the year one thousand nine hundred and fifteen. 19-2-1915.
In the event of my death, I give the whole of my property and effects to my mother, Mrs Elizabeth Dybell, 10 High Mill Road, Southampton, Great Yarmouth. Charles W. Dybell, No.15263, Corporal 11th Royal Sussex Regiment, 10/3/17.
At my death I leave my will to my “Brother” Michael Kelly A. B. Chatham Naval Depot. Signed Private R. G. Kelly. No.14408. East Lancashire Regiment.
Another Army Form which also appears is W 3297, ”Form of Will to be used by a soldier desirous of leaving the whole of his property and effects to one person”. This contains the same information as Army Form W 3601, except it will include the names and addresses of two witnesses. In a few cases the wills are more substantial. Leslie Brown made a detailed will and it comes as no surprise that he was a solicitor by profession.
This is the last Will and Testament of me Leslie Clifford Brown formerly of Ladbrooke Biggleswade in the County of Bedford. Solicitor (unadmitted) but now serving as a Lance-Corporal in His Majesty’s 2nd (Garrison) Battalion, Essex Regiment ‘A’ Company No. 25033.
1. I revoke all former testamentary instruments heretofore made by me.
2. I appoint my father John Albert Brown and my mother Alive Brown to be executors of this my will.
3. I give to my friend Grace Chaundler of Biggleswade the sum of 25 (twenty-five Pounds) as a slight tribute to her kindness to me; also my photo.
4 I give Devise and bequeth all the residue of my estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever both real and personal… to my said father and mother in equal shares as tenants in common hoping (but without imposing any legal trust or obligation in that behalf) that they will make such provision thereout for my brothers Ralph Lawrence and Norman as may seem to my said father and mother most fitting…
Brown’s will was witnessed by 25056 Sergeant J. Cox and 25060 Robert Dack who were both serving in A Company of the 2nd Garrison Battalion The Essex Regiment. Lance Corporal 8359 David Turnbull 1st Battalion The Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) also left more detailed instructions:
In the event of my death the finder of this might please send all photographs in my possession unless those which I have marked ”Home” to Miss Chris. E. Boag, Bethune’s Cottage, Mount Pleasant, Newburgh, Fifeshire, Scotland. Those marked ”Home” you might please send to Mrs Turnbull, Mayfield, Auchtermuchty, Fifeshire, Scotland, along with my fountain pen.
Alphabetical List of Indian Army Wills
Adamson, Robert James
Aird, Matthew
Allan, Thomas Lawson
Anson, Clifford E. I.
Arnold, Frederick
Ashley-Brown, Rev. W.
Askew, Jacob
Atkins, Charles Richard
Austen, Edward
Austin, B
Austin, J. B.
Bailey, Philip Edwin Canning
Baldwin, Reginald Alfred Charles
Banwell, Jack Albert
Batty, Ralph Edward
Beach, William Jackson
Bennett, Joseph William
Birch, Arnold
Bishop, Frederick John
Bishop, Henry George Stokes
Bisset, James Davidson
Blackburn, Frederick
Borton, Edwin
Boswarva, Henry George
Bromby, Thomas Alfred
Bromham, Arthur William
Brooks, Percy
Brown, Alan Davidson
Brown, Frank H.
Brown, Leslie Clifford
Buckley, Percy William
Bunt, Harry
Burgess, Frank Harold
Burns, Joseph
Campbell, James Whittaker
Campbell, William Balfour
Catron, Joseph Edward Thomas
Chamings, Reginald Gordon
Chatterton, Joseph
Clark, James Davidson
Cleave, John Clive Tyler
Collins, Joseph
Cooper, Arthur
Cornwell, Vernon John Shawcross
Croucher, Edward William
Crowe, Herbert
Danby, John Alexander MacDuff
Davis, Novor Eric
Dawson, Cyril
Dean, Langley
Deane, Frank
Denyer, Percival Henry
Devoy, Joseph Charles
Dickens, Harold Edington
Dominy, Frank Cyril
Dothwaite, Charles William
Dyson, Harry Peal
Eadin, Charles Leonard
Emmett, Charles Webster
Evans, Roy Meyrick
Farquhar, Dean
Foot, William John Hawken
Forbes, Andrew
Gore, Reginald Malpas
Gow, Henry
Green, Arthur William
Harrison, Harold Stuart
Harry, Hubert Teare
Hay, Edward Bruce
Hebson, Thomas Ernest
Henderson, George Paterson
Herridge, William John
Hickman, George Henry
Hodgman, Frederick John
Horncastle, John
Howells, David Richard
Iredale, Norman
Jenks, Jack Cecil Vidgan
Johnston, Albert James
Johnstone, Edward
Kelly, Roland George
Kersey, Arthur Oliver
Kingett, Arthur Edward
Kiy, David William
Letheren, Wallace George
Lewis, Thomas Meredith
Linton, John
Loder, Leslie Norman
Lyte, Edric Francis Neville
McEwel, Duncan Stephen
Mackay, John
Mackie, James
McLean, Douglas Allan
Magerty, Ernest Ross
Martin, Harold Lawrence
Martin, W.
Martin, William Milles
Mason, James
Mawson, James Eric
Maynard, Ralph
Mercer, Alexander Robertson
Michael, William
Moffat, John
Morris, Wilfred Cyril
Nash, George Frederick
Neale, Reginald Thomas
Oldroyd, John Epton
Oliver, Norman Edward
Owen, Stephen Fletcher
Pentland, Albert
Pinkerton, George E.
Price, Arthur Woodman
Provan, Andrew
Rea, Arthur Noel
Robinson, Harry
Roughton, George Edward
Rowe, William Campbell
Rowlinson, Percy James
Sandy, William James Ward
Sanders, Hubert J.
Scott, Sydney
Sharpe, George Frederick
Shearer, William
Sheridan, Frank Leslie
Sienesi, Alan Russell
Sisley, Frederick Ward
Smart, Richard Lynds
Smith, Stanley
Smith, Sydney John
Smithson, E.
Solman, Frederick Hubert
Squires, Archibald William Towers
Stephen, Arthur Alexander
Stewart, Alastair Moray
Stringer, Brian de Havilland
Symon, George
Taylor, Charles William
Thomson, William
Tucker, Keith Dunman
Turnbull, David
Turner, Francis
Turton, Walter
Twelftree, Arthur Edward
Walker, Frank Leitch
Wallace, Dixon
Walsh, Victor Phillips Francis
Wardropper, Thomas
Warren, William Corbould
White, Thomas Nicholas
White, William James
Wibby, Edward John
Wilcock, Horace Atkinson
Wright, Reginald Arthur
Wycherley, Richard
Yeomans, Reginald Arthur