The list below contains the most common Indian Army abbreviations and acronyms from the period between 1900 and 1930. I have standardized the list by capitalizing each abbreviation, though a mixture of upper and lower case lettering will usually be found. I cover later abbreviations and acronyms on my Second World War website: Indian Army Abbreviations and Acronyms 1930 – 1950.
Context is everything when it comes to military jargon and care should be taken. An MC after the name of an officer denotes that they have been awarded a military cross, however, if it is found on the rim of a medal to DVR. ALLAH BUX 33 M.C., it reveals that the medal was awarded to a driver in the 33rd Mule Corps.
I have also created a number of other guides to help you research an Indian soldier who served in the First World War.
Guides to Researching a Soldier who Served in the Indian Army
Abbreviation / Acronym
A. / A- Acting/ Assistant
AA Anti-Aircraft or Army Act
AA & QMG Assistant Adjutant and Quartermaster General
AB Army Book
A.B.C. / A.B.CPS. Army Bearer Corps
A. B. RY. BN. Assam Bengal Railway Battalion
A. B. RY. V. RIF. Assam-Bengal Railway Volunteers Rifles
AC Assistant Commandant or Armoured Car
ACC Army Cyclist Corps
ACI Army Council Instruction
ACTG – Acting
AD Artillery Depot
ADC Aide-de-Camp or Honorary Aide-de-Camp to the Viceroy
ADEN TRP. Aden Troop
ADEN BDE. S. S. Aden Brigade Signal Section
A.I. Anglo-Indian
ADL Assistant Director of Labour
AF, Army Form
A.F.I. Auxiliary Force India
AGRA V. RIF. Agra Volunteer Rifles
A. HAV Acting Havildar
A.H.C. Army Hospital Corps
A.I. Anglo Indian
AIRO – Army in India Reserve of Officers
A.L.D. Acting Lance Daffadar
ALLD. V. RIF. Allahabad Volunteer Rifles
A.L-NK Acting Lance Naik
ALWAR I.S. INFY. Alwar Imperial Service Infantry
AMMN. COLUMN Ammunition Column
A.M.P. Assam Military Police
AMS Assistant Military Secretary
AND. Andaman
AO Army Order
AOC Army Ordnance Corps
AOD Army Ordnance Department
AP Armour Piercing
APO Army Post Office
APP. Appendix
A.NAIK / A NAIK Acting Naik
ARI Army Regulation of India
ARMR. Armourer
AS Assistant Surgeon
ASD Army Schools Department
A & SH Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders
ASP Assistant Superintendent of Police
ASSAM RIF. Assam Rifles
ASSAM. V.L.H. Assam Valley Light Horse
ASSTT / ASST. Assistant
ASS. V.L.H. Assam Valley Light Horse
AT Army Troop or Animal Transport
A.T. COY Animal Transport Company
ATTD. Attached
AUX Auxiliary
AUXY. Auxiliary
AVC Army Veterinary Corps
BA Bachelor of Arts
BAC Brigade Ammunition Column
BAH.C.T. CPS. Bahawalpur Camel Transport Corps
BAHAWALPUR I.S.C. CORPS Bahawalpur Imperial Service Corps
BAL. INFY / BALUCH. INF. / BALUCH Baluchistan Infantry
BALN. LEVIES Baluchistan Levies
BALN. V.RIF Baluchistan Volunteer Rifles
BANG. R. VOL. Bangalore Rifle Volunteers
BASRAH SURVEYS Basrah (Basra) Surveys Department
BATT Battalion
BATTN Battalion
BATY. Battery
BB Bombay Battalion
B.B. & C.I. RY. V.RIF. Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway Volunteer Rifles
BC Battery Commander or Base Commandant or Battalion Commandant
B.C.C Bikaner Camel Corps
BDE Brigade
BHAMO BN B.M.P. Bhamo Battalion Burma Military Police
BHAVN. I.S. LRS. Bhavnagar Imperial Service Lancers
BHDY Bhandary
BHISTY/ BHISTI – Water Carrier
BHOPAL I.S. LRS. Bhopal Imperial Service Lancers
BIHAR. L.H Bihar Light Horse
BIKNR.C.C. Bikaner Camel Corps
B.I.S.N. British India Steam Navigation Company
BL Breech Loading
B.L.H. Bihar Light Horse
BLR-MKR / B.MKR Boiler Maker
BM Brigade Major or Barrack Master
B.MLDR. Brick Moulder
B.M.P Burma Military Police
B.M.P.A. Burma Military Police Act
B.M.R Burma Mounted Rifles
BN Battalion
BN. CPS. GUIDES Queen Victoria’s Own Corps of Guides
B. N. RLWY. BN. Bengal-Nagpur Railway Battalion
B. & N. W. RY.CORPS Bengal and North-Western Railway Volunteer Rifles
BO. GRS. Bombay Grenadiers
BO. L. H. Bombay Light Horse
BOMBAY ARTY. I. D. F. Bombay Artillery Indian Defence Force
BOMBAY BN. I. D. F. Bombay Battalion Indian Defence Force
BOMBAY L. H. Bombay Light Horse
BOMBAY. VOL. RIF. Bombay Volunteer Rifles
BO. V. ART. Bombay Volunteer Artillery
BOV. V. RIF. Bombay Volunteer Rifles
BOR British Other Rank
B. P. G. Burma Police Gazette
B. RLWY. VOL CORPS Burma Railway Volunteer Corps
BR. Bearer
BRCS British Red Cross Society
BSM Battery Sergeant Major
B-SMITH. Blacksmith
BTC Bharatpur Transport Corps
BUGLE-MAJ Bugle Major
BUGLR Bugler
BURMA RIF. Burma Rifles
BURM. RY. V.CORPS. Burma Railways Volunteer Corps
BRBR. Barber
BT.MAN Boatman
BURMA.M.RIF Burma Mounted Rifles
BURMA.RIF Burma Rifles
BWIR British West Indies Regiment
C Colonel or Commissioner
CALCUTTA. VOL. A. Calcutta Volunteer Artillery
CAL. L. H. Calcutta Light Horse
CAL. P.D. V.CORPS Calcutta Port Defence Volunteer Corps
CAL. SCO. VOL. Calcutta Scottish Volunteers
CAL. V. RIF. Calcutta Volunteer Rifles
CANTT Cantonment
CANTT MAGTE’S DEPT Cantonment Magistrate’s Department
CAPT. Captain
CARP / CRPTR Carpenter
CAV Cavalry
CAVALRY F.F. Cavalry Frontier Force
CAWNPORE. V. RIF Cawnpore Volunteer Rifles
CB Confined to Barracks, or Counter Battery or Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath
CBE Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
CC Confined to Camp
CCS Casualty Clearing Station
C-D / C-DVR Camel Driver
C.D.C.P Camel Department Central Province
C DFDR MJR Colour Daffadar Major
CE Chief Engineer
CEF Canadian Expeditionary Force
C.H. BN. BMP. Chin Hills Battalion Burma Military Police
C.HAVR. C.HVLDR Colour Havildar
C.H.MAJ Colour Havildar Major
CHOTA.NAG.L.H. Chota Nagpur Light Horse
C.I. Carnatic Infantry
C.I. HORSE Central Indian Horse
C-in-C Commander-in-Chief
C.I.E. Companion, Order of the Indian Empire
C.INFY Carnatic Infantry
CIV.SAR Civilian Sarwan
CLC Chinese Labour Corps
C.L.H Calcutta Light Horse
C.L.I Ceylon Light Infantry
CLK. Clerk
CLNR. Cleaner
CM Circular Memorandum
CMG Companion of the Order of St. Michael and St. George
CMO Civil Medical Officer
CO Commanding Officer or Conscientious Objector
C. OF GUIDES Corps of Guides
C. OF GUIDES INF. Corps of Guides Infantry
Col. Colonel
COMMDT. Commandant
COMP. Compounder
CONDR. Conductor
CONTR. Contractor
COORG. & MYS. RIF. Coorg and Mysore Rifles
COSSPR ART. VOL. Cossipore Artillery Volunteers
COY Company
COY. A.B.C. Company Army Bearer Corps
CP Central Provinces or Civil Police
CPC Criminal Procedure Code
CPS Corps
CQMS Company Quartermaster Havildar
CR-HAVR Colour Havildar
C. SMITH Carriage Smith
CS Civil Surgeon
CSI Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India
CSR Civil Service Regulations
CSM Company Sergeant Major
C.SMITH Carriage Smith
CT Communication Trench
C.T. COY Camel Transport Company
CVD Civil Veterinary Department
CVO Commander of the Royal Victorian Order
cwt Hundredweight (centum weight)
D of A Director of Artillery
DAA Directory of Army Accounts
DAC Divisional Ammunition Column
DAD Deputy Assistant Director
DADOS Deputy Assistant Director of Ordnance Services
DADS Deputy Assistant Director of Supplies
DAP Divisional Ammunition Park
DC Deputy Commissioner
DCC Double Company Commander
D.C.O. LANCERS 31st Duke of Connaught’s Own Lancers
DCLI Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry
DCM Distinguished Conduct Medal
DD Deputy Director
DDW Deputy Director of Works
DELHI R Delhi Regiment
DEOLI R. Deoli Regiment
DEPT. Department
DERAJAT M.B. Derajat Mountain Battery
DFDR Daffadar
DG Dragoon Guards
DHOBI Laundryman
DI, II, III or IV, Field Officers and Captains of Volunteer units who have passed an examination in tactics, military law, organization, etc. or military history (From Indian Army List)
di, II, III, or IV, Lieutenants of Volunteer units who have passed an examination in tactics, military law, organization, etc. or military history (From Indian Army List)
DIGMP Deputy Inspector-General of Military Police
DIL Dangerously Ill List
D.I.V. Divisional
DIV. SIG. COY. Divisional Signal Company
DLI Durham Light Infantry
DLR Director of Light Infantry
DM. Daffadar Major or District Magistrate
DMC Desert Mounted Corps
DMI Director of Military Intelligence
DMO Director of Military Operations
DMR. Drummer
DO District Officer
DQMG Deputy Quartermaster General
DR Director of Remounts or Driver or Despatch Rider
DVR. Driver
DRSR. Dresser
DRM MAJ Drum-Major
DRUM MAJ Drum-Major
DVR. HAV Driver Havildar
DW Director of Works
Dy SP Deputy Superintendent of Police
(e) Qualified in a course of instruction at the London School of Economics (Indian Army List)
E.A.RYS. East African Railways
E.B.S.R.V.R Eastern Bengal State Railway Volunteer Rifles
E.COAST. V.RIF. East Coast Volunteer Rifles
EDUCTN. DEPT. Education Department
E. DVR. / ENG. DVR. Engine Driver
EEF Egyptian Expeditionary Force
EFC Expeditionary Force Canteen
E.I.RY.V.RIF East Indian Railway Volunteer Rifles
ELC Egyptian Labour Corps
EMO Embarkation Medical Officer
Eq. Equerry to the King
Ex. Eng. Executive Engineer
(f) Passed Firemasters Course (From Indian Army List)
FANY First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
FARR. Farrier
FARR-MAJ Farrier Major
FAU Friends Ambulance Unit
F.C. Foot Constable
F.C. Frontier Constabulary
FD / FLD Field
FD. CO. S. & M. Field Company Sappers & Miners
F.F. Frontier Force
F.F. RIF. Frontier Force Rifles
F.G.A. Frontier Garrison Artillery
FGCM Field General Court Martial
FLLR Follower
fm Field Marshal
F-MAN Foreman
FOO Forward Observation Officer
FPO Field Post Office
FR. CONSTAB. Frontier Constabulary
FS Field Service
FSR Field Service Regulations
FTR. Fitter
g. General
(g) Obtained a 1st class certificate in the Long course of Gunnery or Gunnery Staff Course prior to 1906, or the Certificate of the Gunnery Staff Course subsequent to 1905 (From Indian Army List)
GCB Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath
GCIE Knight Grand Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire
GCSI Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India
G.G.BG. Governor General’s Bodyguard
G.I.P.RY.V.R. CORPS. Great Indian Peninsula Railway Volunteer Rifle Corps
G-MAN Gangman – Works on the railway track
GARHWAL. RIF / GARHL RFLS Garhwal rifles
GBD General Bade Depot
GCM General Court Martial
GD. Guard
GE Garrison Engineer
G.I.P. RLWY. BN. Greater Indian Peninsula Railways Battalion
GMC General Musketry Course
GMIE Grand Master of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire
GMSI Grand Master of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India
GNR Gunner
GR Gunner
GRANTEE. C.CPS. Grantee Camel Corps
GRC Graves Registration Commission
GR. HAV Gunner Havildar
GR / GRKS.RF. Gurkha Rifles
GRNDSR Grenadiers
GS General Service or General Staff
G.S.M. General Service Medal
GSW Gunshot Wound
GUIDES CAVY. Guides Cavalry
GUIDES INFY. Guides Infantry
GURWALS. /GRWLS. RFLS. Garhwal Rifles
GWALIOR I.S. LRS. Gwalior Imperial Service Lancers
H/ HON. Honorary Rank
HA Heavy Artillery
HAG Heavy Artillery Group
HAR Heavy Artillery Reserve
HARIANA LNC. 7th Hariana Lancers
HAV / HAVR. Havildar
HAV-MAJ Havildar Major
H.C. Head Constable or Head Censor
HD. CLERK Head Clerk
HDMN. Headman
HE High Explosive
HF Home Forces
HS Home Service or Higher Standard (having passed a language examination)
H.S.K. Head Storekeeper
H.K.S.R.G.A. Hong Kong & Singapore Royal Garrison Artillery
HOLKAR’S MTD. ESCT. Holkar’s Mounted Escort (Indore Lancers)
HON. LT Honorary Lieutenant
h.p. Half Pay
HT Horse Transport
H.TRANSLATOR Head Translator
HV High Velocity
H-WRITER Head Writer
HYD.VOL.RIF. Hyderabad Volunteer Rifles
I.A Indian Army
I.A.C.C. Indian Army Corps of Clerks
I.A.F. Indian Air Force or Indian Army Form
I.A.O. Indian Army Order
I.A.O.C Indian Army Ordnance Corps
I.A.S.C. Indian Army Service Corps
I.A.R.O Indian Army Reserve of Officers
I.A.V.C. Indian Army Veterinary Corps
IB Infantry Brigade
IBD Infantry Base Depot or Indian Base Depot
I.C.A / I.C.ARTY / IN. COAST. ARTY Indian Coastal Artillery
I.C. ARTY. ADEN- Indian Coastal Artillery Aden
I.C.D. Indian Cavalry Division
I.D.A.C. Indian Divisional Artillery Column
I.D.F / INDIAN D.F. Indian Defence Force
IDSM Indian Distinguished Service Medal
IE Illegal Enlistment
I. ECC. EST Indian Ecclesiastical Establishment
I.E.F. Indian Expeditionary Force
I.E.M.E. Indian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
I.G.A. Indian Garrison Artillery
IGP Inspector-General of Police
I.G.S. Medal Indian General Service Medal
I. LABOUR C. Indian Labour Corps
I.M.D. Indian Medical Department
I.M.A. Indian Mountain Artillery
I.M.L. Indian Miscellaneous List
I.M.RY. Indian Military Railway
I.M.S. Indian Medial Service
I.M.T. Indian Mechanical Transport
IND. TELGH. DEPT. Indian Telegraph Department
IND. SURVEY Indian Surveys
INFY Infantry
inst. Latin (instante mense) this month
I.O. / IO Indian Officer or Intelligence Officer
I.O.D Indian Ordnance Department
IOM Indian Order of Merit
IOR Indian Other Rank
I.P.S Indian Postal Service
I. REMT. D. Indian Remount Department
IRGN.DTE Irrigation Department
IS Imperial Service or Indian Silladar
I.S.C. Indian Signal Corps
I.S.CPS. Imperial Service Corps
I.S.C. CPS. Imperial Service Camel Cps
I.S.I Imperial Service Infantry
I. SIG. S. Indian Signal Service
I.S.&.M. Imperial Sappers and Miners
I.S.M.D Indian Subordinate Medical Department
I.S.O. Companion of the Imperial Service Order
I.S.T. Imperial Service Troops
I.U.L Indian Unattached List
I.V.C. Indian Veterinary Corps
I.W.T Inland Water Transport
JAG Judge Advocate General
JAIPUR S.T.C / JAIPUR I.S.T Jaipur Supply and Transport Corps
JAT LT. INF. Jat Light Infantry
JEM JEMDR. Jemadar
JIND I.S. INFY. Jind Imperial Service Infantry
JODPHUR I.S. LRS. Jodhpur Imperial service Infantry
KAR.ART.VIL. Karachi Artillery Volunteers
KBS Kite Balloon Section
K.C.I.E. Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire
K.C.S.I. Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India
KHIT. Khitmatgar
KHLS. / KHAL. Khallasi Deckhand
K.G.F. BN. Kolar Gold Fields Battalion
K-MATE Khalasi’s Mate
KAPUR INFY. Kapurthala Infantry
KAPURTHALA JAGATJIT INF. Kapurthala Jagatjit Infantry
KASHMIR MTN. BTY Kashmir Mountain Battery
K.B. Kali Bahadur
K.C.C. Khaipur Camel Corps
K.D / K-DFDR Kot Dafadar
K.G.F. BN. Kolar Gold Fields Battalion
KHAL. Khalasi
KHASDR Khassadar Tribal Policeman
KO Karen Officer
KOHAT M.B. Kohat Mountain Battery
KOLAR G.F.R.VOL. Kolar Gold Fields Volunteers
KOSB King’s Own Scottish Borderers
KOYLI King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
KR King’s Regulations
KRRC King’s Royal Rifle Corps
KURRAM MIL Kurram Militia
[L] Qualified as 1st class Interpreter in a Modern Foreign Language (From the Indian Army List)
[l] Qualified as 2nd class Interpreter in a Modern Foreign Language (From the Indian Army List)
LAB Light Armoured Battery
LABR. Labourer
LANCERS F.H 19th Lancers (Fane’s Horse)
LAS. Lascar
L.C. Labour Corps
l.c. Lieutenant-Colonel
LCP Light Car Patrol
LCRS/ LRS Lancers
LCRS. F.H. Lancers Fane’s Horse
L-DFDR/ LD / L-DUF Lance Daffadar
L.I./ LIGHT INF. Light Infantry
LF Lancashire Fusiliers
l.g. Lieutenant-General
LG Lewis Gun
L-HAV Lance Havildar
LNMN. Lineman
L/NAIK / L.NK Lance Naik
LOCAL TR. CPS Local Transport Corps
LR Local Reserve
LRS. Lancers
LS – Lower Standard (having passed a language examination)
LT. Lieutenant
LT.CAV / L.T. CAV. LIGHT. CAV. Light Cavalry
L.T.CPS. Light Transport Corps
LTMB Light Trench Mortar Battery
LUCK.V.RIF. Lucknow Volunteer Rifles
LUMSDEN’S H Lumsden’s Horse
lv Leave
M. Madras
MA Master of Arts
MAC Motor Ambulance Convoy
MAD.ART.VOL. Madras Artillery Volunteers
MAD.V.GDS. Madras Volunteer Guards
MAJ. Major
MALABAR V.RIF. Malabar Volunteer Rifles
MALAY S. GDS.ART. Malay States Guides Artillery
MALAY S.GDS. Malay States Guides
MALER KOTLA I-S.SPRS. Malerkotla Imperial Service Sappers
MASN Mason
M.B. Mountain Battery or Medical Board
M.B.R.G.A. Mountain Battery Royal Garrison Artillery
MC Military Cross or Mule Corps
m.c. Medical Certificate
M.D Mahendra Dhal Regiment
MECH. TPT. Mechanical Transport
MiD Mentioned in Despatches
MILY.D. FARMS. Military Dairy Farms
M. FARMS D. Military Farms Department
MESO.R / MESO. RYS./ MESPOT.RLYS. Mesopotamian Railways
M.F.D Military Farms Department
M.FARMS D. Military Farms Department
MFP Military Foot Police
MG Machine Gun
m.g. Major-General
M.G.C. Machine Gun Corps
MI Mounted Infantry
ML. CPS Mekran Levy Corps
M.L. CPS Mekran Levy Corps
MLDR Moulder
MLVI Maulvi Teacher
MO Medical Officer
MOCHI Shoemaker / Leatherworker
MOULN.V.ART- Moulmein Volunteer Artillery
MOULMEIN V.RIF. Moulmein Volunteer Rifles
MS Military Secretary
MSM Meritorious Service Medal
M.&S.M.RY.RIF. Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway Rifles
MT Motor Transport or Mechanical Transport
M.T.C Motor Transport Corps
MTCD Mechanical Transport Corps Depot
MTD. RFLS Mounted Rifles
MTHS Mahrattas
MTN Mountain
MTN.BTY/MTN. BATTERY Mountain Battery
MTYNA. BN. B.M.P. Myitkyina Battalion Burma Military Police
MUNSHI Secretary
MUSI. Musician
MUSS.V.RIF. Mussoorie
M.W.S. Military Works Services
MYIT. BN. B.M.P. Myit Battalion Burma Military Police
NABHA I.S. INFY Nabha Imperial Service Infantry
NAG.V.RIF. Nagpur Volunteer Rifles
N.BENGAL.M.RIF. Northern Bengal Mounted Rifles
NC Northern Command
NCC Non-Combatant Corps
NCO Non-commissioned officer
NF Northumberland Fusiliers
NILGIRI.V.RIF. Nilgiri Volunteer Rifles
NIL. MAL. BN. A.F.I Nighai & Malabar Auxiliary Force India
NIL.VOL.RFLS Nilghai Volunteer Rifles
NK. NAIK An Indian Army rank equivalent to a Corporal in the British Army
N.RFLS 125th Napier’s Rifles
N. SHAN. STATES BATT. Northern Shan States Battalion
N-TAL.V.RIF. Naini Tal Volunteers
N.W.F. North West Frontier
N.W. MILITIA/ N.WAZ.MILITIA North Waziristan Militia
N.W.RY.V.RIF North Western Railway Volunteer Rifles
NYD Not Yet Diagnosed
(o) Passed the Ordnance Course (From the Indian Army List)
OB Operations Branch
OBI The Order of British India
OC Officer Commanding or Officer Cadet
O.M. Member of the Order of Merit
OP Observation Post
O.& R.RY.V.RIF. Oudh and Rohilkhand Railway Volunteer Rifles
OS Ordnance Services
OTC Officer Training Corps
OTRM.R 123rd Outram’s Rifles
OTRM.RFLS 123rd Outram’s Rifles
OUTRN. RFLS 123rd Outram’s Rifles
OVSR. Overseer
P. Punjab or Passed Interpreter’s Examination before District Committees (From the Indian Army List)
p.a. Latin (per annum) Yearly or Private Affairs (for leave)
P.A. Police Act
p.a.c. Passed final examination, advanced class Ordnance College (From the Indian Army List)
PACK ARTY. Pack Artillery
PALAM. L.I. Palamcottah Light Infantry
Para Paragraph
PATIALA I.S.INFY/ PATIALA INFY Patiala Imperial Service Infantry
PATIALA I.S. LNCRS./ Pat. Raj. Lcrs Patiala Imperial Service Lancers
PB Punjab
P.B. Pack Battery or Permanent Base
PB-FLR Public Follower
P. BTY. F.F. Pack Battery Frontier Force
P.C. Police Constable or Passed Interpreter’s test in Calcutta. (From the Indian Army List)
P.C. Porter Corps
P.CPS/ PONY CPS. Pony Corps
PEON A labourer
PESHAWAR M.B Peshawar Mountain Battery
P.F.F. Punjab Frontier Force
P.G. Purano Gorkha Regiment
P.H. Passed Examination in the Hindustani Language (From the Indian Army List)
PJBIS/ PJBS Punjabis
PLH Punjab Light Horse
PM Provost Marshal
P-MKR Pallet Maker
PMO – Principal Medical Officer
PNRS Pioneers
PO Post Office or Political Officer
P OFF Post Office
POL. DEPT Political Department
POLICE DEPT. Police Department
POONA.V.RIF. Poona Volunteer Rifles
POSTEL DEPT Postal Department
POW Prisoner of War
P.P. Pasupati Prasad Regiment
P.P Punjab Police
PRES.VOL.RIF. Presidency Volunteer Rifles
Priv affs Private Affairs (for leave)
prom tem. Latin (pro tempore) For the time being
p.s. Passed for Staff employ
p.s.c. Passed the final examination at the Staff College
P.S.HAV Pack Store Havildar
p.t. Pro tempore (Latin for the time being)
PTE Private
PTE-FOLLR Private Follower
PTE. SVT. Private Servant
PTR.CPS. Porter Corps
PU Permanently Unfit
PUNJ. L.H. Punjab Light Horse
PUNJ.V. RIF. Punjab Volunteer Rifles
PUO Pyrexia of Unknown Origin
P.W.D. Public Works Department
q. Passed field works course, Chatham, or course of instruction in pioneering at H.Q. Corps of Sappers and Miners (From the Indian Army List)
(Q) Qualified in tactical fitness for Comd., or in the case of Officers of the R.A.M.C., for promotion to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel (From the Indian Army List)
QF Quick Firing
Q.M.HAV. Quartermaster Havildar
QMG Quartermaster General
QMS Quartermaster Sergeant
qs Qualified for Staff
[R] Officers who are in receipt of Good Service Pension (From the Indian Army List)
R.A. Royal Artillery
RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
RANGN. V.RIF. Rangoon Volunteer Rifles
RAP Regimental Aid Post
RB Rifle Brigade
RCE Royal Canadian Engineers
RCO Railway Control Officer
r.d. Regimental Depot
RDC Royal Defence Corps
RDF Royal Dublin Fusiliers
RE Royal Engineers
RES. BN. B.M.P Reserve Battalion Burma Military Police
RESVT Reservist
RESSDLR Ressaldar
R&F Rank and File
R.F.A Royal Field Artillery
RFC Royal Flying Corps
RFLS. Rifles
RFMN Rifleman
R.G.A Royal Garrison Artillery
R.G.R Royal Garhwal Rifles
RH Railhead
R.H.A. Royal Horse Artillery
R.I.M. Royal Indian Marine
R.I.S. Lancers Rampur Imperial Service Lancers
RIS MAJ Risaldar Major
RLY Railway
RM Rifleman or Riding Master or Royal Marines
RMC Royal Military College Sandhurst
RMF Royal Munster Fusiliers
RMLC Royal Maine Labour Corps
RMLI Royal Marine Light Infantry
RMT.DEPT. Remount Department
RND Royal Naval Division
RO Recruiting Officer
RRC Royal Red Cross
RS Royal Scots
R. SIKHS Rattray’s Sikhs
RTC Reserve Training Centre
RTO Railway Transport Officer
RTU Returned to Unit
RVTR Riveter
RWF Royal Welsh Fusiliers
RY.BN.S&M Railway Battalion Sappers and Miners
SAA Small Arms Ammunition
S.A.S Sub-Assistant Surgeon
SAR/ SARWAN Sarwan Camel Driver
SBR Small Box Respirator
SC Staff Captain or Southern Command
S. C.CPS Sillader Camel Corps
SDLR. Saddler
SEC Section
SEP Sepoy
SF State Forces
SGN. Surgeon
SHERE. Shere Regiment
S.I Sub Inspector
SIALKOT CAV. BDE. Sialkot Cavalry Brigade
SIGMN Signalman
SIMLA. V.RIF. Simla Volunteer Rifles
SIND V.RIF Sind Volunteer Rifles
SIRMOOR SPRS Sirmoor Sappers
S.I.RY.V.RIF. South Indian Railway Volunteer Rifles.
SIS. LEVY CPS. Sistan Levy Corps
SIW Self-Inflicted Wound
S-KHAL. Senior Khalasi
S & M Sappers and Miners
SMO Senior Medical Officer
SO Sheikh Othman
S.PROV.M.RIF. Southern Provinces Mounted Rifles
SO.PRO.MTD.RIF. Southern Provinces Mounted Rifles
SP Strongpoint
SPL .RES. TRPT. Special Reserve Transport
SPR Sapper
SPR-DVR Sapper Driver
SPS Superintendent of Police Supplies
SR Special Reserve
S.S.D. Shamsher Dal Paltan Regiment
S-SMITH Shoeing Smith
SSO Staff Station Officer
SSS Southern Shan States
S&T.CORPS / S & T C Supply and Transport Corps
ST.MICH. S.C. CORPS. St. Michael’s School Cadet Corps
STVDR. Stevedore
SUB / SUBDR Subadar
SUB. CONDR. Sub-Conductor
SUB.MAJ. Subadar-Major
SUB-OVSR. Sub-Overseer
SUP. ENG. Superintending Engineer
SURMA VALLEY L.H. Surma Valley Light Horse
SURMA. V.L.H. Surma Valley Light Horse
S. And. V.RIF South Andaman Volunteer Rifles
S.WAZ. MIL / S. WAZ. MILITIA South Waziristan Militia
S.WAZ. SCTS South Waziristan Scouts.
SWPR. Sweeper
SWR / SW- Sowar
SYCE A groom
TB Temporary Base
TC Tank Corps
TEL. DEPT. Telegraph Department
TF Territorial Force or Treasury Form
TM Trench Mortar
TNDL / TINDAL Tindal -Foreman
T.NK. Temporary Naik
TO Transport Officer
TRANS. Translator
TRPTR. Trumpeter
TR Training Reserve
TRB Training Reserve Brigade
TROOP DAF. Troop Daffadar
U.BUR.V.RIF. Upper Burma Volunteer Rifles
ult. Latin (ultimo mense) last month
UOTC University Officers Training Corps
u.p.a. Urgent Private Affairs (From the Indian Army List)
U.P.HORSE (N.REGT.) United Provinces Horse (Northern Regiment)
U.P.HORSE (S.REGT.) United Provinces Horse (Southern Regiment)
u.s.l. On Unemployed Supernumerary List (From the Indian Army List)
V- Veterinary
V.A Veterinary Assistant
V.A.BTTY. Volunteer Artillery Battery
VAD Voluntary Aid Detachment
VC Victoria Cross
VCO- Viceroy’s Commissioned Officer
VD Venereal Disease or Volunteer Officers’ Decoration
VETY-ASST / V-ASSTT Veterinary Assistant
V.H.S. Honorary Surgeon to the Viceroy
vice In place of
VO Veterinary Officer
V.R.G.B Viceroys’ Bodyguard
VTV Volunteer Training Corps
W-SVT. Ward Servant
WALLAJ L.I Wallajahbad Light Infantry
W-CARR Water Carrier
WE War Establishment
WKSHP Workshop
WKS SERV Works Serviced
W-MAN Weighman
WG-MAN Weighman
W.O. Ward Orderly or War Office
WORKS DTE Works Directorate
YERCAUD R.VOL. Yercaud Rifle Volunteers
ZHOB.LEVY CPS Zhob Levy Corps
YOC Young Officers Company
YS Young Soldier
ZL. POLICE Zhob Levy Police
Z.M Zhob Militia
ZMC Zion Mule Corps